UMMEED was formed in 2004 to fill vacuum in the area of Homeless and Migrants in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is the fruitful outcome of an endeavor of a few social activists, professionals and other like-minded citizens. What started off as a small organization for Homeless and Migrants to provide them shelter in the City of Nawabs, Lucknow, has today blossomed into a full-fledged institution providing shelter, bringing into its realm a wide range of services that cater to a population beyond the borders of Uttar Pradesh. The growth of UMMEED has been spurred by the realization of the needs of the Homeless which includes Migrants, Destitute, Persons with mental disorders and Persons involved in Beggary. Various projects have been initiated to address their needs. UMMEED is a registered organization under Society Registration Act 1860 dated 24/03/2004 with the registration number 2306.


UMMEED’s Objective is to bring all the services of the society into one stand and create a platform to provide better health and education facilities to the deprived citizens with the participation and support of society and also make the environment clean and secure for all.


UMMEED’s Mission “is to bring the services of government, Institutions as well as individuals into a platform and build an atmosphere, where every marginalized, vulnerable and needy can enjoy the services of them”.


UMMEED’s Vision is “Every citizen should work for each other.”


UMMEED has made the GUINNESSWORLD RECORD and LIMCA BOOK of RECORDS for the longest 1005.7-meter Awareness Red Ribbon on 6th May2012 at Butchery Ground, Cantonment, Lucknow with the participation of ten thousand children from different schools and from poor slums, who are specially disabled and infected with HIV Aids. This record was made to spread the awareness of zero discrimination in the society towards HIV/AIDS infected & affected children.

• Ummeed have provided their service to Nepal in 2015 after the major earthquake that occurred. For that Ummeed was given a recognition by the government of Nepal
• Ummeed have provided their service to the state Kerala during the 2018 flood for which we were recognized by many government and non-government agencies and also got several media exposure
• Ummeed have done community service by providing food to about 6.25 lakhs people and provided basic necessities like groceries from 21st march 2020 to 15th August 2021. Due to those service Ummeed has been honored by numerous awards
• During the 2nd wave of the pandemic of corona virus in 2021 our organization have helped by providing free ambulance service and cremated the dead bodies infected by the virus. We also have provided free oxygen tanks during those hard times. Due to this Ummeed has been awarded with multiple awards and honors